Your One-Stop Shop for Quality Tools and Equipment!

Our Business Boosters.....

Quality Product with leading brands......
  • Quality
  • Durability
  • Unique Selling Proposition
  • Target Audience Appeal
  • Trending or Seasonal Products
  • Competitive Pricing
  • Compliance with Regulations

Our Power Equipments

Focus on power processing equipment and systems Grinding, Compressing, washing, Diesel Engine, Induction motor,Pnuematic items ,Safety Equipment’s ,Welding and Provides V-belt for Industries.

Air Compressor

Car Washing Machine


Flour Mill

Induction Motor

Pneumatic Items

Safety Equipments

Why We?

63 + Years of Experience

We have strong technical background in manufacturing the Honing machines and super finishing tools. Our Guidance to the customers is also a core strength for our sustainability in the competitive global market. We shine and also make our customer’s shine in their business, matching our caption.

High Production Rate

Less Frequent Part Inspection

Reduced Labour Cost through automation

Low Cost per hole as a result of better tool life

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We are always happy to answer any questions!
Just fill in the form and we will get back to you.

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